Merging Thoughts

A Few Words, Opinions, and Perspectives on Creativity, Business & Life In General.
Content is King

Video Content is King And Will Remain in The Throne

Since I can remember, I have been exposed to video content most of my time on this planet. Probably not as the type of video content we are experiencing today on the internet, but in some form, that is for sure. 

In the old days, television was the leader in video content, and in some way, it was a centralized market where a few companies controlled what we watched. Not many options compared to what we have today, especially with many independent video content creators. 

We are eager for video content! I’m not sure if being exposed to video most of our lives has made us unconsciously video-first consumers. Still, there is probably a strong influence, and we can see it in the rapid adaptation of social media platforms to create more video experiences and publishing options for consumers and creators.

I’m certain you know this, and I’m not saying anything new here, but I want to focus on the fact that probably most of the people who are living on this planet at this point have been intensely exposed to video content most of their lives, too, and that plays a vital role for the next ten years for video content. Particularly for online platforms, where viewers are spending much time.

Video content consumption has increased over the last years. It has grown substantially by 16 percent. Globally, video consumers spend approximately 8 hours watching video content online each week. (Limelight Network, 2020). Considering that technology and internet infrastructure get faster and better every year, making it a lot easier for the internet and devices to process video faster, there is no doubt that video streaming will tremendously increase in the following years.

Why is Video Content so Attractive?

The beauty of video is that it mixes different types of content into an easy-to-consume piece that efficiently attracts viewers (Shootsta, 2021). Experiencing images, text, audio, and movement in a few seconds is super stimulative and engaging but most importantly, the option to visually narrate a story is powerful. 

On the other hand, video content is informative, instructional, educational, or entertaining. Being able to get reviews for a product, learn a new cooking receipt, or watch a financial guru predict the next recession is fascinating and engaging. Plus, consuming video content is effortless; it does not require much effort on our side. 

Video Content is Multi-content

Creating content is a long process, mainly if your goal is to create high-quality content. Planning, storyboarding, shooting, casting, set design, editing, etc. But the great thing is video content is recyclable. There are many ways to reuse content or repurpose it for different media channels.

Video content can be reformatted into different dimensions and lengths to be published on various online platforms to expand the conversation and engagement. Did you make a video interview? Subtract the audio and create a podcast or a text format version for an article. There are many ways to repurpose video content that a single piece can be worth a month of content. 

Video in The Next Years

Every year video content is gaining traction, and technology development is helping make it more practical to create, publish and consume. As mentioned before, we are eager for video content; half of the internet users, 54% globally, expect to see video content from the brands or businesses they support (Mohsin, 2022). Video allows brands and companies to present their core values more authentically, increasing customer loyalty and relationships. 

Also, it is good to mention that virtual and augmented reality (VR, AR) are becoming more popular. This is a technology that I believe will rely on video to help users make a complete transition into this new type of content or possibly always depend on each other for a better experience. For example, social media filters with AR implementation need live video input to work. 

Considering technology development and online platforms integrating more video creation and publishing tools. There is no doubt that video will stay on the throne as king of content for the coming years. Particularly with VR and AR becoming more popular and easy to use and consume. Plus, with users demanding such content from brands and companies, there is only an indication of video staying the king of content for the coming years.

If you are looking for a partner in Phoenix, Arizona to increase your video content strategy, let’s talk! We’d love to collaborate. 


3 reasons why video should be part of Your content strategy. Shootsta. (2021, October 27). Retrieved May 2, 2022, from 

Limelight Networks. (2020, October 13). State of Online Video 2020: Limelight networks. State of Online Video 2020 | Limelight Networks. Retrieved May 2, 2022, from 

Mohsin, M. (2022, April 9). 10 video marketing statistics you should know for 2022 [infographic]. Oberlo. Retrieved May 2, 2022, from 

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