Merging Thoughts

A Few Words, Opinions, and Perspectives on Creativity, Business & Life In General.
Omar Rodriguez Villa

Voyager Phoenix: Meet Omar Rodriguez Villa of SINGULARBOLD.

Interview published by Voyager Phoenix on October 9, 2019

Today we’d like to introduce you to Omar Rodríguez Villa.

Omar, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
SINGULARBOLD. started in 2015 as a pseudo name I used to publish personal design projects I was creating outside of my regular design job. My intention was to experiment with new design techniques and tools in order to learn and explore new design concepts. I published the results of my experiments on my website and social media. After a year of doing personal work, I began to take on commercial work for local businesses in Tucson, AZ, where I was living at that time. I decided to develop the name SINGULARBOLD. into my personal brand, which I use to do commercial design work and collaborations with other designers.

Omar Rodriguez Villa. SINGULARBOLD.

In 2018, I took a sabbatical year to focus on my family. We moved to México, where I’m originally from, and I dedicate myself 24/7 to my newborn son and my wife. Taking that time away not only helped me to reconnect with family, friends, and heritage but also allowed me to redefine my creative career.

At the end of my sabbatical year, I decided to relocate to Phoenix, AZ, with the vision of turning SINGULARBOLD. into a design studio in partnership with my wife Wendy. We are relatively new in the Phoenix market, with only eight months as a full business. I focus on doing the creative aspect of projects, and my wife helps with project management… although at the end of each day, we end up wearing many hats.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Trying to start a business in a new city with relatively zero contacts has definitely not been a smooth road. It’s been challenging, and it has taken a lot of time. So if you are reading this, send us an email we would like to chat and meet new people!

Some of the struggles I’m facing is adapting to a larger city. Phoenix and its surrounding areas are massive compared to Tucson, and it requires a lot of planning when visiting new prospective clients. The market is also different compared to Tucson, and that completely changes the game. There is a vast pool of talented people, design studios, and marketing agencies doing amazing work, big respect to everybody!

Wendy Espericueta

SINGULARBOLD. – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Our focus at SINGULARBOLD. is art direction and visual communication. We partner with businesses, agencies, and individuals to help with digital and print design, logo design, and creation of high-quality visual content for marketing and advertising campaigns.

As bilinguals, we can approach projects with a multicultural strategy and help clients expand their communications/promotions to a broader audience.

We want to be known for staying SINGULAR to what we do and being BOLD in how we do it.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
The proudest moment has been deciding to start this business project. I have had the idea of working on my own or forming a business for a while, but I supposed I was not focused, sure, or ready to do it. The best thing, having my wife as part of SINGULARBOLD.

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